Synonyms of Incorporate | And learn to use them correctly in sentences

Synonyms of Incorporate | And learn to use them correctly in sentences

Synonyms of Incorporate

Word Meaning Use In sentence
Incorporate To include or integrate something as part of a whole. The new software will incorporate advanced security features.
Combine To mix or blend different elements to form a unified whole. Combine the flour and water to make the dough.
Commingle To mix or blend different substances or elements. The artist decided to commingle various colors to create a unique palette.
Add To combine elements to increase the quantity. Please add two teaspoons of sugar to the recipe.
Intermingle To mix or blend different things together. The diverse cultures in the city intermingle harmoniously.
Amalgamate To merge or combine different elements into a single entity. The companies decided to amalgamate their resources for a stronger market presence.
Mix To combine or blend different substances or components. Mix the ingredients thoroughly to achieve a consistent texture.
Include To comprise or involve as part of a whole. The package deal will include a complimentary breakfast.

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